Hi my name is Ryan Harland AKA the storm rider and I’m not ashamed to admit that I have BPD (borderline personality disorder).
I have had lots happen in my life, grew up with an abusive so- called father who sexually abused both my brother and myself, constantly beat up my beautiful mum, the sudden loss of my brother Kevin at the age of 33. Struggling with all the negativity and confusion of who I was for years but I’m still proud to stand here today and tell you my story.
It’s so hard for men to open up about how they feel as society expects us to be the strong ones and don’t show that things affect us. Well I’m here right now to tell you it’s ok to talk, it’s ok to say how you feel and there are so many people like me out there that will be there to listen to you and help you on your journey.
It’s not easy I know but with the right help you can beat those demons inside of you. I’m proud of you for still being here and looking for that help. That’s the hardest step to take.
Please don’t give up and together we will return to strength.
I’ve turned all my negative past into a positive future and written my own book called Riding the Storm to help others that have been through similar events in life or still going through tough times, to know that you’re not alone and anything is possible if you just let yourself be loved and helped.