I am a former college educator as well as current K-12 substitute educator/teacher. I am a domestic violence survivor and also victim to a date rape drug in high school by my sister’s best friend. I have looked him up because I wanted to find out if he has raped any more women. I’m sure he has. His eyes are the window to his soul.
In my work with substitute teaching, I have had children come tell me horrific stories that no child should have to deal with. I have to report these allegations to the school, as well as child protective services. I take every child seriously.
My background also includes living in a foster home. My parents were foster parents and I was adopted at three weeks old right out of the hospital in Detroit, Michigan.
I’ve seen children come in our home that had been raped, physically abused, neglected, drug babies that were still going through withdrawals.
I’ve seen children that found their new home and were adopted, become victim to their newly adopted family and were sexually raped by the new family member.
We must make a change.