Peace and blessings everyone, my name Caleb Harris and I used to battle with addiction as a coping mechanism with the Sexual abuse I dealt with as a child.
For years I’ve always felt my skin was mysterious and I just felt odd around others. So to cope I drank, smoked, used substances, looked at porn and engaged in casual sex to feel loved.
When I found God in June 2021, I realized that I was running away from what really happened. I never forgave my abusers who touched me inappropriately when I was 10. I never talked about it because I was afraid if I “snitched”, no one would believe me. I thought I would just forget about it and say, “That’s life!”
However, taking the time to heal did. After spending time in God’s word and checking myself into celebrate recovery I learned to forgive them.
Now I’m an educator, a small group leader at my church, a writer and an author who specializes in discussing addiction, sobriety, Christianity, and mental health.