My name is Lewis Viner and I’m 22 years old.
I grew up a happy, bubbly, energetic curious boy.
Although I was a happy, bubbly boy, I also had no confidence and found it incredibly difficult to voice my opinions and understand both thoughts and feelings.
My story began when I was 10 years old;
In April 2011, my class teacher arranged for a weekly Sex Education lesson every Friday afternoon. I remember feeling incredibly anxious before the first session!
I realise this was one of the last times I was innocent.
A close family member let me know I could confide in them if I wanted to talk about what I had been taught. It was something so new to me, so I was anxious about the subject.
I must stress, It felt hard to talk about.
I’m only aware of being taught the basics which did not include what sex or consent was.
My abuse started immediately as I had these lessons in school.
The family member who I confided in, started to molest me.
I was told not to tell anyone and that it was “our secret”.