My name is Melanie. I have something to say.
At 9 yrs. old I was dragged into a derelict building terrorised, bound with rope, forced into oral sex, sexually assaulted, and violently raped by a 26 yrs. old local man who later became an infamous UK serial rapist and murderer.
I reported the assault to the police 40 years later when the flashbacks and triggers became unbearable, sending my mental health into a downward spiral.
I sought help and was diagnosed with PTSD and FND, both conditions attributed to the horrific trauma I had endured as a child.
Due to the offender’s high-profile status, my crime report was escalated to the Chief Super in charge for review.
He ultimately decided they would not proceed further due to the lack of forensic evidence, the unlikelihood of a confession, and the passage of time.
After finally finding my voice and the courage to speak up, I felt silenced again, while this man was never troubled once with any police questioning.