My name is Kimberley and I have something to say.
At 14yo I was sexually abused by my cousin.
At the time, my body chose the Freeze Response. I stayed silent for 15 years.
That year I developed addictions to nicotine, alcohol and cannabis. I began abusing other drugs, self harming & disconnecting myself from the world. I was struggling in school. The door to revictimization was opened & over the years I suffered in abusive relationships & through a number of sexual & physical assaults.
Numerous suicide attempts landed me in psychiatric units, but my silence meant I would never get the help I deserved.
15 years later I spoke to a nurse about the abuse & soon after I was diagnosed with CPTSD. Finally I realised the damage he caused & the fight began. I spent every day learning to rewire my brain & eventually entered detox.
I have a long way to go, but I am now completely sober & enjoying being alive.
For myself and for others,
I will never stay silent again.