I have been running positivelycerebralpalsy since March 2020, I created positivelycerebralpalsy to be a place that allowed me to express my feelings around my disability and see my journey with Cerebral Palsy is a more positive light.
If I can post my content and it helps someone feel better about their situation, whether it is mentally or physically or as simple as putting a smile on someone’s face.
As this journey has progressed, I have found that I have learned so many skills that I wouldn’t have otherwise, and I want to be an advocate for people with disabilities to show them they can achieve and that a disability is just a part of them.
I hope that people understand that I am still a working progress myself. I am not free of frustrations or issues related to my disability. I show you the real Jack and I show you a variety of elements and more generally my life, that way I hope to make it relatable. This is especially relevant this month in disability pride and shining a light on people’s disabilities and that they are a part of us and make up our story, but I like to focus on ability not disability.
I want to help my followers grow in confidence and belief all while spreading positivity.
It is important to use our voice because I didn’t have this sort of outlet growing up even though there are many accounts and pages that cover the same topics we each have our stories and unique voices and it is about magnifying the voice of our community to make a wider impact on issues disabled people face, but changing the narrative of issues and disability to rather what people can do and their abilities and empowering them for a better life.