I am Diane from the southern end of the world.
I was sexually abused by my oldest sister’s husband, from the age of 12 – 16.
I told no one for 27 years, then only told my husband after we had been together for 15 years. He has been amazingly supportive. This year, 40 years since my abuse began, I told my immediate family and close friends. Last month I told my oldest sister!!
Keeping such a huge painful secret for so long, has caused me many physical, emotional and mental health issues.
I don’t think anyone, who has not experienced this type of trauma, can comprehend how much it affects and ‘fucks up’ your life and being!
I was silenced by shame, guilt, fear and judgement for so long. I mainly used alcohol and drugs to help numb the pain and at times still do.
I have a strong belief and desire to speak up about this epidemic of childhood sexual abuse as I start to heal, otherwise nothing will ever change!
I want to use my voice to help survivors and to protect the children that follow.